0537000 or 0537001 Titan POWRBEAST 4700
The Titan PowrBeast™ 4700 direct immersion gas airless and electric airless sprayer provides unmatched durability and performance. The PowrBeast offers the innovative HydraStroke Technology™ with only one moving part, the Severe Service™ fluid section that has a long slow stroking piston all powered by a best in class Honda engine. Recommended for large projects or when you need the power to spray heavy coatings.
Sprays stains, lacquers, epoxies, enamels, elastomeric, latex, dry fall and block fillers
- Designed to consistently spray 300-400 gallons per week
- Can power up to 4 guns
- HydraStroke Technology™ Efficient and versatile with no clutch to burn
- Severe Service™ Fluid Section Powerful slow-stroking piston
- Active Cooling Tank Maximizes airflow to actively cool the system
- Front Mounted Motor/Pump Assembly Easy to access for maintenance and service
- Optimized Shrouding Directs air flow across the motor keeping it cooler
- Large 12″ Pneumatic Tires For increased portability and travel over rough surfaces
- Built-In Lift Handles For easy loading and unloading
- Powered by Honda®
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